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Ad Hoc Committee drafting reopening procedures, rules


The COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee has been hard at work, drafting emergency operating procedures to continue safely reopening the amenities that everyone has missed during the shut down.

At its Oct. 2 meeting, the committee approved the 120-day emergency procedures for the Phase 1 reopening of the Fitness Center and moved to send them to the board for approval at the Oct. 27 meeting. Once approved, the GRF Board can determine a target date for reopening the Fitness Center, contingent upon hiring and training the necessary staff.

Also approved and sent to the Board is the Phase 1 reopening of the Amphitheater, exclusively for religious services. In addition, a policy governing mandatory face masks and a general COVID-19 Emergency Operational Rule were passed to the board for approval and ratification.

The committee has just approved procedures for reopening LW craft rooms and the sewing room, and expanding Veterans Plaza reservations under Phase 2 to include vocal club gatherings and smaller religious services. Also just approved and being sent to the GRF Board are emergency operational procedures for the woodshops and pool rooms, as well as well as the LW Library and the Friends of the Library Bookstore.

These procedures now must be approved and ratified by the GRF Board. The action request has been added to the agenda for the Oct. 27 meeting.

This does not mean that these venues will all be opened at any time in the near future. It does mean that that once each venue is approved, staffed where necessary, and protocols are in place, Recreation will begin to open facilities in keeping with COVID restrictions in time frames approved by GRF. Once the board has approved the policies and start dates have been determined, rules will be published in the LW Weekly. For more information on these specific policies, contact —Asst. Rec. Manager Kathy Thayer

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