You have a beautiful smize!
“We can’t shake hands, or hug, hold hands, or say ‘hi’ to friends the way we did in the ‘good old days,’ but social distancing is no excuse for not greeting our neighbors in a way to let them know we care how they are doing.” Such kind words kicked off the Recreation Committee’s Smize Contest in May.
As coined by model/actress TyraBanks,“smizing”meanssmiling with your eyes, and it’s a skill people everywhere are learning thankstomask-wearingmandates.
Though COVID-19 concerns delayed the committee’s decision, the winners were chosen at the Oct. 5 meeting and will be ratified at the next GRF Board of Directors meeting.
Mark Webb’s entry featuring him and Victoria Davis, both of Mutual 10, in classic mime masks took first place. Joanna Matos, of Mutual 2, nabbed second place, and Cathy Molina, also of Mutual 2, came in a close third.
Prizes will be awarded after the October Board meeting, and the Video Producers Club will create a slide show of all 26 clever entries to run on