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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

By Jim Greer

LW contributor

“Certainly, we live in a time during which things are in commotion,” stated President M. Russell Ballard during the morning session of the October General Conference. “Many people fear the future. Many hearts have turned away from God and his son, Jesus Christ.” Countless people have been left alone and isolated, suffering, worried and afraid.

Elder Ballard assures each of us that the Lord knows us. He is aware of our concern and anguish. He loves us, intimately, personally, deeply and eternally. The best way to improve our current situation is for all people to rely upon God and turn their hearts to him in sincere prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer guides us and answers the concerns that trouble us. Through this prayer, we can pray for divine guidance for our families and the leaders of nations. We can pray for the courageous people currently on the front lines in the battle against social, environmental, political and biological plagues.

Christ teaches us to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, do good to those who hate us, and pray for those who persecute us.

“Sincerely praying for those who may be considered our enemies, demonstrates our belief that God can change our hearts and the hearts of others,” promised Elder Ballard.

But praying for justice, peace, the poor and the sick is often not enough. We need to get up from our knees and do all that we can to help. Jesus prayed, and then went about doing good. Just as he did, we can feed the poor, support those in need and reach out in love, forgiveness and peace. As each of us knows, those who come unto Christ find rest.

Prayer lifts us and draws us together as individuals, as believers and as a world family. Our sincere prayers can inspire scientists to find discoveries and develop vaccines and medications that can end this pandemic. Prayer comforts those who have lost loved ones and guides all to find protection in life’s commotion.

President Ballard pleads with us to redouble our commitment to prayer. We should pray in our closets, in our daily walk, in our homes and carry a prayer in our hearts. Motivated by sincere prayer, we can improve our own lives and those of others.

In closing, President Ballard testified, “If we will pray and ask heavenly father for needed blessings and guidance, we will come to know how we can bless our families, neighbors, communities and even the countries in which we live.”

As church members, neighbors and friends of all faiths, we are invited to “watch ye therefore and pray always for peace, for comfort, for safety and for the opportunities to serve one another. How great is the power of prayer, and how needed are our prayers and faith in God and his beloved son in the world today. Let us remember and appreciate the power of prayer.”

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