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Shortened season may be possible after all


On Sept. 17, the GRF Board of Directors held a meeting to discuss, amend and ratify the 2021 budgets for all Foundation departments and cost centers. If you listened in, you might have heard the Amphitheater shows were not in the Recreation budget. The Board was very concerned that it may not be able to hold an Amphitheater season, due to COVID-19, and is electing not to fund the shows though the 2021 assessments.

There is, however, some light on the horizon. Following the budget meeting, GRF Executive Director Randy Ankeny met with the Board members who agreed to securing funds not budgeted from another source, providing the shareholder/ members would not incur any additional cost, should there be a way of having a performance season next year. Subsequent to that decision, the Recreation Office conferred with the current agent about the possibility of booking acts under restrictions imposed by the pandemic. Since all entertainment venues face the same risks, the agent reported that their contracts now provide a clause whereby either party (GRF or the artists) may cancel with no penalty in case conditions caused by the virus deteriorate.

There is now a possibility of scheduling two performances of a given show at a lesser cost if social distancing protocols are still in force, thereby limiting attendance. If approved by the Board, a matinee and an evening performance with the same entertainment would be an option.

In all likelihood, if GRF approves a 2021 Amphitheater season, it will be with fewer shows than normal, due to cost factors, but the entertainment residents look forward to would be worth whatever sacrifices needed to keep the community safe. It’s always the first priority.

The Recreation Department will keep the community apprised of any updates or decisions as developments occur at the committee and board levels.

—Assistant Recreation Manager Kathy Thayer

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