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Men’s and women’s ministries will begin again starting Oct. 15

Men’s and women’s ministries  will begin again starting Oct. 15 Men’s and women’s ministries  will begin again starting Oct. 15

Faith Christian Assembly believes it is important for men and women to have a ministry devoted to them. Both groups will meet this week. The women’s ministry, called “Touch of Love,” will meet on Thursday, Oct. 15, at 1 p.m. in the Garden Room under the direction of Linda Hernandez. The men’s ministry, under the direction of Gary Leming, will also meet during this time as well. Take advantage of these special ministries that are devoted to men and women.

Out of an abundance of caution, for all who attend services/events at Faith Christian Assembly, we will be taking your temperature at the door, and you will be asked to wear a mask especially before and after service, and sit socially distant from others. If you are ill, we ask that you stay home.

Due to COVID-19, Faith Christian Assembly is not having all of its regular ministries at this time, but will resume as soon as possible. The midweek Bible study taught by Pastor Sheri Leming is on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. in the Garden Room. Grief Share will meet on Fridays at 2 p.m. starting Sept. 18.

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Gary Lemming and Linda Hernandez lead the men's and women's ministries at Faith Christian Assembly.


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