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Mask project distributes thousands to LW and beyond

Mask project distributes thousands to LW and beyond Mask project distributes thousands to LW and beyond


The Golden Age Foundation will soon wrap up a project to provide masks to people who need them in every Mutual. Masks are an important weapon in the fight against COVID-19.

On April 30, GAF Board held a virtual meeting to approve a project to produce face masks with the help of volunteers. The GAF organized a team of people willing to sew, cut fabric and distribute masks.

“Our community has warm hearts to give for others,” said GAF President Anna Derby, who spearheaded the effort. “We had over 55 volunteers respond.”

Diana Harrison and Anna Derby co-coordinated the project, which ultimately yielded thousands of face masks from the volunteers.

In the five months since the project began, the GAF has sponsored two major mask give-aways at Veterans Plaza and delivered masks to more than 200 shareholders who could not wait in line to get them but needed them.

Masks were also donated to the CERT group, Pathways for its volunteers to make sure they were protected and lastly, to 16 Mutual leaders for homebound neighbors.

With thousands of masks already delivered, the remaining inventory is designated to be given to Mutuals for distribution.

Mutual leaders who know of a need for masks can contact Anna Derby, (562) 301-5339.

The Golden Age Foundation would like to thank all the maskmaking volunteers for their time and their compassionate hearts: “This has been the most successful project in recent years,” said Anna.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.

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