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Letters to the Editor


I thought I was ready to vote in the Nov. 3rd election.

I was wrong.

I have lived at the same address in LW, since 2008. I have been registered to vote at my LW address since 2008. I have voted in almost every election, including the last primary, since 2008.

I was surprised when I received a green postcard from the Registrar of Voters which stated, “According to the information we have received, the address where you live OR where you receive mail has changed to the address printed on the attached card.”

Who gave the Orange County Registrar of Voters the information that my address had changed?

It was my address on the green postcard, but Del Monte was spelled DELMONTE. I mistakenly thought that it was just a minor change in formatting, signed the postcard to confirm my address and mailed it in. Then I noticed other errors: no DR after DELMONTE and CA was printed twice.

I went to and both the address as printed on the green postcard and the address as printed on my voter registration ID card bring up my registration information. It appears that I am registered to vote at two addresses.

This is what you need to do, if you are registered to vote in OC, regardless of whether you receive a green postcard in the mail. Go to and confirm that the address on file with the Registrar of Voters is correct. Or call (714)567-7600.

Signe Merrifield Mutual 16 Editor:

Are you an artist? Are you an art lover? Are you interested in seeing the work of the artists living in Leisure World? Well, the program for displaying art in Clubhouse 3 is in danger of being discontinued. All the art and hanging devices were removed as part of the renovation and painting of Clubhouse 3, and it now appears that the GRF Recreation Committee has made a decision to replace that ongoing program, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with a few one-day art shows a year.

I say “appears” as I have not been able to find any reference to discontinuing of this program on an agenda or in any minutes. It was never brought to the full GRF Board.

How do you feel about GRF committees making decisions on major programs without community input or a GRF Board vote?

If this is an issue of interest to you, please contact your GRF representative and let them know that when Clubhouse 3 opens again you want them to continue the Clubhouse 3 Art Gallery displaying the art and photos of the artists of Leisure World as it has for many, many years.

Esther Cummings Mutual 10 Editor:

Recently a friend took me to brunch at an outdoor restaurant. The place was very organized with tables and chairs distanced, and waiters and waitress wearing masks. The wait staff checked to make sure everyone was wearing masks before seating them.

It was fun socializing in a group, exchanging news.

There was an atmosphere of courtesy and politeness, with people waving hands to greet each other.

We had fun feasting on a nutritious and tasty meal. Everyone was enthusiastically socializing and being safe at the same time.

Lisa A. Dickson Mutual 1 Letters to the Editor Policy:

Letters, maximum number of words 250, must be of general interest to the community and may contain opinions, suggestions, compliments and complaints without being scurrilous, libelous, defamatory, repetitive or otherwise inappropriate.

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