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Credits& Kudos

Credits & Kudos must include the writer’s name and mutual, and will be edited for brevity. Mention of a business or service is not an endorsement or recommendation by the LW Weekly or Golden Rain Foundation.

• LWer Bob Berry sends kudos to Mutual 16 residents for allowing the popular band Terry Otte and Abilene to rehearse in their mutual. More than 100 people turned out to enjoy the rehearsal.

• LWer Pat Kogok recently felt the urge to plant flowers in

the box in front of her apartment that had contained only dirt for

several weeks. "My first mistake, I left my emergency button that I always wear and my cell phone safely inside. My second mistake was kneeling on a pillow that was soft for my knees.

After a short time of planting, my knees refused to help me stand up. I struggled mightily and eventually managed to roll over onto my back, and there I stayed. A dear neighbor walked by and tried to help, but I was dead weight. This could have been interesting to observe-a new exercise perhaps?? Finally five neighbors came to my rescue and got me on feet (it took all of them, and I am not a big lady). My brain sometimes neglects to remind my

body that I'm an old lady and must accept my physical limita tions. Thank you Jesus for sending these neighbor angels to my

rescue. I am so blessed to live in this caring community. In the future I will plant Dollar Tree flowers. Feel free to poke one in

the planter box with mine.

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