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Loud car complaints lead to crackdown


During the last several weeks, the Seal Beach Police Department has received numerous complaints about loud vehicles with modified exhaust traveling on Seal Beach streets.

As a result of the disruptive noise complaints and the number of illegally modified vehicles seen and heard, the Seal Beach Police Department has launched an enforcement campaign to address these safety and quality-of-life issues.

To educate the public on the rules surrounding vehicle exhaust laws and notify the community of the upcoming enforcement operations, the Seal Beach Police Department placed several electronic sign boards with a warning message along Seal Beach Boulevard, Pacific Coast Highway and First Street.

The Seal Beach Police Department has also launched a social media campaign to heighten awareness of loud exhaust noise and increased enforcement of this violation. Visit the Seal Beach Police Department on Facebook and Instagram to view these posts @ sealbeachpolice.


From Aug. 23-Sept. 8, the Seal Beach Police Department fielded 23 shifts of directed traffic enforcement using patrol officers to specifically target California Vehicle Code violations pertaining to loud and modified exhaust. The California Office of Traffic Safety provided over $6,442 of grant funding to the SBPD and $3,339 was spent from the SBPD Field Services overtime budget to conduct these operations.

As a result of these operations:

•128.5 total hours of directed traffic enforcement were conducted, • 48 citations for loud exhaust violations were issued,

• 28 citations for other California Vehicle Code violations were issued,

• Seven arrests were made, including two arrests for driving under the influence; one felony warrant arrest and three vehicles were impounded.

—from the Seal Beach Police Department

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