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Rouda answers Mayor Hardy’s questions

Rouda answers Mayor Hardy’s questions Rouda answers Mayor Hardy’s questions


By Mary Larson

LW contributor

The Democratic Club has heard from Congressman Harley Rouda’s campaign team over Zoom last week to hear more about what he has done for Seal Beach in the 48th Congressional District. He has been involved in helping over 20,983 businesses in the district access Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans – saving 206,323 jobs. He has also consistently called out evidence of racism wherever it has occurred and has continued to condemn hate speech.

Some democratic Club members Congressman Rouda’s recent talk with Jill Hardy, the mayor pro tem of Huntington Beach interesting. During the interview, Rouda spoke about many bipartisian topics taht were important to him.

Rouda stressed the importance of being able to work across the aisle in order to actually move legislation into law. He told Mayor Hardy that one of the bills he is most proud of is one addressing the opioid crisis that he worked on with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

In addressing the current COVID-19 crisis, he spoke of working with the Democratic Party to pass four major bills into law. He also said he was proud of the fact that he helped bring considerable funds to the county to address tracing, tracking and testing, He also spoke about co-sponsoring a bipartisan bill that would repeal the new law putting a cap on state and local tax deductions in our tax returns. He said he also has legislation to address the federal deficit.

During the session with the mayor, Rouda made it clear that he did not want to defund the police. He said the Heroes Act, already passed in the House, would provide a substantial amount of money to Orange County for law enforcement and first responders. He stressed that what we’ve got to recognize is that we have real issues in our country around systemic racism and it’s not just in law enforcement. •••• Window signs supporting the following candidates are available by calling (562) 596-0450 or (562) 296-8521:

• Joe Biden/Kamala Harris, candidates for president and vicepresident • 48thDistrictCongressmanHarleyRouda,candidateforreelection to the House of Representatives;

• Garden Grove Councilwoman Diedre Nguyen, candidate for CA Assembly District 72;

• PaurviTrivedi,candidateforLosAlamitosUnifiedSchoolDistrict Board Area 2. •••• Readers are reminded that the Democratic Club will not staff a voter registration booth outside Clubhouse 6 for the foreseeable future because of the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus. Residents are encouraged to register online at Volunteers stand ready to assist anyone having problems registering for the first time, changing their address or registering to a different party. Call (562) 412-0898, (562) 596-0450, or (562) 296-8521 or email lwsbdemocraticclub@

•••• If you are a registered Democrat or a supporter and want to know more about the club’s efforts between now and Nov. 3, you can subscribe to our electronic newsletter at no cost by emailing me at or by calling (562) 296-8521 with your contact information.

Congressman Harley Rouda

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