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How Wildfires Affect Your Breathing


By Carson Blomquist

LW contributor

The massive fires across the west have devastated communities and upended lives. While we aren’t close to any of the current fires, the signs are everywhere: the bright orange skies, the ash raining down. It can be a frightening time.

But the effects of the fires can also be physical. Ash and smoke can affect your breathing. And if you have a chronic condition, like asthma or COPD, smoke and ash could make your conditions worse.

So what can you do to stay healthy? 1. Stayinformed. Check the weather report each day. The air quality reports will tell you how safe it is outside.

2. Staysafe. If you need to go outside, protect yourself. If you have an inhaler, bring it with you. Limit your time outside as much as you can. 3. Stay indoors. Keep doors and windows closed. If you have air filters, use them when you’re home. It’s okay to use an air conditioner, but keep the fresh-air intake closed. If you don’t have an air conditioner and it’s a hot day, stay hydrated and run fans to help cool you down. If there is a cooling center available, head over there – just be sure to bring your face mask!

If you have difficulty breathing, you may want to call your primary care doctor. He or she can suggest treatments or other ways to stay safe.

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