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Sunshine Club

Sunshine Club Sunshine Club

Victor Rocha, director of GRF Security, is the speaker for the Sunshine Club’s meeting on Friday. The topic for this week is how to prevent theft and the importance Headers.indd 1

of reporting anything that seems out of the ordinary.

Rocha has over 30 years of law enforcement, security and safety experience. He worked as a police officer and detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. He has provided security assessments for businesses, schools and HOA’s throughout the United States.

Rocha is a member of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from California State University, Fullerton.

Rocha will open the discussion for a question-and-answer period to address security questions or concerns.

After five months of not being able to meet in person, the Sunshine Club began to have Zoom presentations on Friday from 10 a.m.–noon. Those interested in joining the group can text with their email account to (562) 301-5339 to recieve a Zoom link.

The link to join this week’s meeting is https://us02web.zoom. us/j/88355201570 and the meeting ID: 883 5520 1570.

Upcomping speakers for September are Patrick Gallegos, assistant manager of City of Seal Beach and Iris Lee, deputy public works director/city engineer, on Sept. 11; Kellie Morris, director of the Council on Aging – Southern California’s Senior Protection Program and Financial Abuse Specialist Team (FAST) on Sept. 18; and GRF Executive Director Randy Ankeny on Sept. 25 The topic of each guest speaker’s presentation will be announced in the newspaper with the link information to join.

The Sunshine Club is designed to help all people get along in the community and get the best out of living in Leisure World by learning how to use available information.

The Sunshine Club often has LW leaders come to meetings to introduce their organizations to the group. It also invites a wide variety of specialists from outside to share their experiences and ideas with club members. The club especially welcomes newcommers.

For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.

Victor Rocha

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