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Share aloha with your neighbors via LW’s Hui O Hula group

Share aloha with your neighbors via LW’s Hui O Hula group Share aloha with your neighbors via LW’s Hui O Hula group


by Kaye Huff

LW contributor

With the good news that Orange County has been removed from among the hardest hit areas by COVID-19, Hui O Hula dancers and musicians prepared for an upcoming performance last week. Untitled-2 1

“Mahalo a nui” or many thanks to Mutual 15 hosts Donna Cooper and Susan Saraf, a “malihini” (newcomer) to both LW and the Hui O Hula, for the invitation. LW residents who want to share aloha with their neighbors and can to provide a spacious area for social distancing may call event coordinator Kaye Huff at (562) 431-2242 or email to book a free hula show.

A happy belated birthday as well as a big kudo to LW Weekly Managing Editor Ruth Osborn for a richly deserved promotion. Hui O Hula is grateful for the years of service from her and her team.

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