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Redeemer Lutheran

By Lisa Rotchford

LW contributor

Psalm 122:1 says, “I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

With the hard work everyone has accomplished by wearing masks and our county moving off the more restrictive state list, our outside worship services will resume on Sept. 6. The service will remain outside the sanctuary for individual and small group worship. Redeemer Lutheran can resume the“Pick up Your Spirits, with Prayer and Communion” program out in the front and northeast side of the church, 13564 Saint Andrew’s Drive, from 9:30–11 a.m. every Sunday in September. The musicians will play our organ with the church windows open so everyone outside the sanctuary can hear favorite hymns. Watch the outside message board for updated details.

September is our annual outreach effort called “God’s Work, Our Hands.” If you have a non-perishable food item on your shelf that you’d like to share with a hungry neighbor in need, we will be collecting food for the neediest in Orange County. The barrels out front of the church on Sunday mornings will collect food (or cash) donations, and will immediately be taken to Lutheran Social Services’ shelves that feed the increasing number of hungry people as this pandemic continues. If you have a pastoral care or questions, call the church at (562) 598-8697.

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