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Stretch Your Food Budget with CalFresh

CalFresh (formerly known as food stamps) can help qualifying Leisure World residents stretch their food budgets. Recipients receive a card that works like a debit card with money loaded every month to shop for more fruit, vegetables, protein and other healthy foods. CalFresh is a program funded by the USDA to help improve health and nutrition of families with low incomes.

CalFresh is an entitlement program, which means that all who apply and qualify will receive benefits and will not “take someone else’s place.”

The USDA sets aside funds for the program, and because there is currently underparticipation in the program millions of dollars in benefits are being left unused.

Upon application, income and many other factors are taken into account to determine eligibility. By calling 2-1-1 Orange County, people can be prescreened for major eligibility criteria, helping them understand if they are eligible to receive CalFresh and to feel more prepared before beginning the application process.

CalFresh benefits can be used almost anywhere food is sold, such as supermarkets, conve- nience stores, pharmacies, stores like Target and Costco, some ethnic markets and some farmer’s markets. LW residents can get help applying for CalFresh in person with Cindy Tostado, GRF Member Resource and Assistance Liaison, online or via phone.

People who are over 55 and a resident or citizen might qualify for CalFresh if you meet the gross monthly income limit: (gross monthly income must be less than the amounts listed): One-person household, $2082, gross monthly income; two-person household, $2,818, gross monthly income.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic CalFresh provided an increase in benefits from March-August.

The amount received depends on income, expenses and family size. Maximum benefit allotments range from $194 for a single person to $1,169 for a household of eight.

Have access to the following documents in order to apply:

• ID

• Green Card or Citizenship Certificate

• Social Security Card • Proof of Income

• Rent Receipt and Bills

Ways to Apply:

• By appointment with Cindy Tostado, 431-6586 X317

• Online:

• Phone: (800) 281-9799 For more information, call Cindy Tostado, LCSW, GRF Member Resource and Assistance Liaison, 431-6586, ext. 317.

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