Serving up a slice of Leisure World life

by Ruth Osborn
There are many faces familiar to me in Leisure World— friends and contributors, readers and writers— who have made working for the LW Weekly, formerly the LW News, a delight for more than 32 years.
Leisure World is a special timein- a-bottle place where people can thrive in Act 3 of their lives.
Just look around at your neighbors and friends. Even in the time of COVID, a positive can-do community spirit permeates this place.
Since 1988, I have worked as a section editor for LW’s own little conduit of community unity.
I work with a team of stellar professionals to serve you up a slice of LW life every week.
It’s been so much fun profiling the compelling people who live here, and collaborating to produce Spotlight, the Community Guide and other publications to help each and every one of you navigate your best life here.
As of Aug. 24, I was promoted to managing editor of the LW Weekly, a dream come true.
I pledge to do my utmost to continue the paper’s tradition as a familiar, reliable, totally customized source of information for our amazing readers.
As I begin my 33rd year, the news team is looking forward to making the paper more of what you want and need.
My (virtual) door is open, and I welcome feedback and suggestions because we do it all for you.