New emergency procedures pave the way to reopen amenitites

by Kathy Thayer
assistant recreation manager
On Aug. 18, the newly formed COVID- 19 Ad Hoc Committee reviewed and approved Emergency Operational Procedures that will lead to opening some outdoor amenities while under the pandemic restrictions.
The Golden Rain Foundation Board will hold a special meeting on Aug. 31 at 1 p.m. in Clubhouse 4 to consider how to safely reopen amenities in keeping with new state guidelines and policies. Under review will be opening Veterans Plaza for exercisers, Mission Park pickleball and bocce ball courts and the Amphitheater for religious services. The Golf Course is already open under some restrictions.
Key areas of COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee deliberations were:
• the number of Seal Beach COVID-19 cases as reported by the Orange County Health authority to date.
• the number of COVID-19 deaths
• A majority of the over 9,000 community members are clearly in the “at risk” category, due to age or preexisting medical conditions
• that rules must also take into consideration caregivers and shareholders/ members’ guests
• GRF as an employer has the obligation to establish rules to project the health and safety of its employees
• Proposed actions must represent the mutual benefit of a majority of the shareholder/ members These policies were passed to pave the way for approval to open the amenities in phases.
The golf course has already reopened, and its rules were published in the Aug. 6 issue of the LW Weekly.
While some of the rules may seem restrictive in these policies, they are subject to modification as the pandemic abates. Not all venues included here are expected to open at the same time, but the Recreation Department will keep the community posted as opening dates are determined. In the meantime, see below for the new rules that will govern the amenities and contact for more information. Veterans Plaza—Phase 1 Emergency Operational Procedures
Due to government restrictions and recommendations brought about by the pandemic, this policy is enacted to allow for reopening the Veterans Plaza under emergency operational procedures.
• The Recreation Department will make Veterans Plaza available for exercise and dance clubs, in good standing.
• All reservations must be made through the Recreation Department by email or telephone
• Reservations are limited to 90 minutes, no more than once a week, from 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
• Reservations may be preempted by GRF for special events.
• In case of multiple similar clubs requesting a reservation, remaining time slots will be awarded by lottery.
• The Recreation Department determines by its discretion if a particular activity is appropriate for this venue.
• No unscheduled event will be allowed at any time.
Participation is solely at participants’ risk.
• Masks and six-foot distancing are required at all times. No physical contact between participants is allowed.
• Group sizes may be required to be reduced to meet social distancing guidelines. Only GRF members may participate; no guests are permitted.
• No sign-in sheets are required, but GRF reserves the right to reinstitute them at any time.
• Staff may request to see participant’s GRF ID at any time.
• All classes are self-managed and must provide their own equipment.
• No tables, chairs or equipment are provided by GRF.
• Clubhouse 3 restrooms will be available through the lobby and no more than two people are permitted in either restroom at a time.
Mission Park, Phase 1, Emergency Operational Procedures PICKLEBALL COURT
The following procedure has been expanded pursuant to regulations recommended by the USA Pickleball Association and incorporates guidelines for at risk senior communities in particular.
• Play at the pickleball court, when opened, must be booked through the Recreation Department by email only. No unscheduled games will be allowed.
• Requests are accepted at
Monday through Sunday before 4 p.m. for play the following day.
• Staff may request a player’s GRF ID at any time.
• Hours of operation are 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. daily. They are posted on the court and the website.
• Scheduling will be adjusted by management as needed to satisfy safety requirements and conform to Staff hours.
• GRF may completely close the facility without notice.
• No after-game congregation/ socializing is permitted in Mission Park, the parking lot or the immediate surrounding area.
After matches, players must promptly leave the Mission Park/ Clubhouse Two area.
• To eliminate touch points, benches, score tenders, and all tables and chairs will be removed.
• Face coverings must be worn in all areas until playing begins on the court. Face coverings also must be worn after play is completed.
• Social distancing as defined by the CDC (maintaining six feet of distance) must be maintained at all times.
• Participants should wash their hands with soap and water (for 20 seconds or longer) or use a hand sanitizer before and after each match.
• A disinfecting/sanitizing bucket will be on site, between Bocce and pickleball courts for players to use to clean balls and paddles.
• The Clubhouse 2 restrooms will be made available; however, no more than two players per restroom will be permitted at a time.
• Pickleball games are limited to one hour of play.
• Playing doubles, which could lead to incidental contact and unwanted proximity, is prohibited.
• Pickleball players must provide their own paddles, balls and gloves.
• Players must wear gloves when handling the ball and not touch other players’ equipment.
• Should a ball identified with another player wind up on your side of the court, do not touch the ball with your hands.
Use your paddle or feet to advance the ball to the other side of the court.
Mission Park, Phase 2 Emergency Operational Procedures BOCCE BALL
• Bocce Ball must be reserved through the Recreation Department. Requests are accepted at
daily before 4 p.m. for play the following day.
• The reservation schedule will be provided to the Clubhouse 2 custodian. Players must check in with staff to verify their reservations.
• Staff may request a GRF ID at any time.
• Hours of play will be between 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. daily; hours may be changed at the discretion of GRF.
• No unscheduled games will be allowed.
• Only two players per onehour session.
• No spectators are permitted.
• Bocce Ball players must provide gloves and they must always be worn when handling the balls.
• Face coverings must be worn in all areas. Social distancing, as defined by the CDC of maintaining six feet of distance, must be observed at all times.
• A sanitizing bucket will be provided between the bocce and pickleball courts for cleaning equipment.
• Players should wash their hands with soap and water (for 20 seconds or longer) or use a hand sanitizer before and after play.
• To eliminate touch points, benches, score tenders, and all tables and chairs will be removed.
• No gathering will be permitted before or after games.
• The Clubhouse 2 restrooms will be made available.
No more than two players will be permitted at any time. DR. ANBERRY BASKETBALL HOOP
• The Clubhouse custodian will provide a basketball for play.
• Only one player at a time.
• Face coverings must be worn in all areas at all times.
• Use of the hoop will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
• Play will be restricted to one hour unless no one is waiting.
• No loitering is permitted.
• Hours of play will be between 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. daily.
GENERAL OUTDOOR USE/BBQ AREA This area will remain closed until further notice. All furniture and equipment have been removed to discourage loitering. AMPHITHEATER-PHASE 1, RELIGIOUS SERVICES This policy permits faithbased organizations, registered as clubs with the Recreation Department, to use the Amphitheater to conduct services while access to GRF clubhouses is not available (by and herein referred to as clubs).
• This accommodation is for religious services only; religious study clubs are not eligible.
• Reservations must be made through the Recreation Office by emailing
• Services are limited to one hour with no more than 100 congregants.
• Time slots will be by lottery whenever multiple clubs seek to book the same time.
• Amphitheater seating will be taped off and staggered to mark social distancing.
• Members of the same household, including caregivers may sit together.
• Face coverings will be required, except for the officiant when speaking or conducting worship from the stage.
• Singing will be permitted as long as face coverings are worn.
• Passing of communion trays will not be permitted.
• No collection(s) will be taken onsite.
• Congregants must supply their own prayer books, hymnals or other worship items.
• The GRF will provide a podium and portable sound system with a hands-free microphone on the stage.
• A custodian will be assigned to sanitize equipment, touch surfaces and seating between services, at the expense of the religious organization.
For more information, contact Recreation at