How to borrow mobility aids during the pandemic

by John Hlavac
Mobility Aids Program chair
The Golden Age Foundation offers a mobility aids program to help residents in time of need. COVID-19 has changed the way the program operations but the free loan of walkers, wheelchairs and other transport aids is still available for LW residents.
With clubhouses closed and social distancing in effect, the only way to secure a GAF mobility aid is to call (562) 431-9589 and leave your contact information. A GAF phone volunteer will return your call.
When calling GAF, speak slowly and clearly leaving your name, address, including Mutual and apartment numbers, and a phone number. Also, indicate your need, a wheelchair or walker.
Dedicated volunteers work Monday-Friday checking the phone mailboxfor messages twice a day so the process is efficient. Equipment can either be picked up or delivered. Unnecessary contact is minimized by organizing the loan over the telephone.
In the event of an urgent need—for example, if you are released from the hospital on a weekend or late at night—residents can call the Leisure World Security Department at (562) 594-4754. Security staffhas access to the storeroom.
The GAF offers two types of walkers and two types of chairs.
The walkers include a foldable lightweight aluminum model (commonly called a tennis ball walker) and the heavier model, called a rollator, which comes with brakes and a foldable seat. The chairs offered are the wellknown wheelchair and its cousin, the transport chair, which requires a healthy person to push the chair around.
The GAF has currently 1,300 rollators, 50 walkers, 150 wheelchairs and 150 transport chairs on loan to the community.
The Golden Age Foundation’s free Mobility Aids lending program benefits to shareholders by making it easier to get to doctors appointments and frequent local destinations. Only one item can be lent at a time to give more shareholders the opportunity to take advantage of the program.
GAF Mobility Aids asks that shareholders who are not using their walkers or wheelchairs return them so they can benefit others. Call (562) 431-9589 and GAF Mobility Aids volunteers will pick them up at the shareholders patio. The GAF is a nonprofit, charitable organization dedicated to serving Seal Beach Leisure World shareholders.
John Hlavac shows Mutual 8 shareholder Swana White how to operate the walker she’s borrowing before having her sign the paperwork. The Mobility Aids program has been helping LWers get around for more than 35 years.
Anna Derby