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Free Food Distribution

Free food is available in Leisure World to eligible residents who are 60 years or older through Community Action Partnership of Orange County (CAPOC), which has a monthly distribution site by Clubhouse 4. The next food distribution will be Sept. 17.

Every third Thursday from 9-11 a.m., qualified people receive 40 pounds of food, including canned fruit, vegetables, meat, rice, juice, cereal and more.

Eligible seniors must live in Leisure World, be at least 60 years of age and meet income guidelines as follows: up to $1,354 a month for one person; $1,832 for a two-person household; and $2,311 for a three-person household. People who are unable to apply themselves or pick up the box of food may send a proxy to act on their behalf with appropriate ID. People who need help arranging a proxy can call GRF Member Resource Liaison Cindy Tostado at 431-6586, ext. 317.

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