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Calling All Volunteers

For the last five months, a team of compassionate, service-minded volunteers have been assisting Leisure World Seal Beach residents who are unable to shop for themselves.

People are needed to replace those who have returned to work, are at capacity or have otherwise dropped out.

If you have time to spare and would like to help your neighbors, contact Recreation at (562) 431-6586, ext. 398, or email Let us know where you live, when you are available and if there are limitations on which stores you shop at and include a phone number.

The procedure is simply to put volunteers in touch with the person or persons who have asked for help. The two parties will work out the details.

The Recreation Office recommends no contact whenever possible. That can be accomplished by taking shopping lists over the phone, calling back with a total cost, and the recipient can leave an envelope with the payment outside his or her door.

Shoppers can get payment and leave groceries on door steps, so there is not contact. If both parties choose to meet face to face, masks and social distancing are required. This is not a GRF-sanctioned activity; Recreation is only acting as a conduit for information for GRF members requesting help.

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