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Alzheimer’s Family Center Free Services

The Alzheimer’s Family Center is offering free services to help seniors cope while sheltering in place. People can take advantage of these services from the safety of their own homes via the phone or a Zoom teleconference on a computer or tablet.

To schedule your free appointment, call (714) 330-9277 FREE MEMORY CHECKUPS

As seniors are urged to shelter in place during the coronavirus pandemic, the risks of social isolation are becoming more of a concern. They include loneliness and depression, which increase the risk of dementia. Now is the time to determine your risk, especially if you have :

• Trouble remembering important dates or events,

• Problems misplacing or losing items,

• Greater difficulty performing basic tasks.

If any of these conditions describe you, consider having a free memory checkup done in your home with a healthcare professional by phone or via Zoom, the secure online platform. Zoom is a program and app that can be run on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Your evaluation will be done remotely at a time most convenient for you. Within 20 minutes, you will learn ifyour memory falls within normal ranges, or whether you have a memory concern that needs further evaluation.

The center recommends that everyone age 50 and older get a yearly “check up from the neck up.”

Results and information will be kept completely confidential.


• Do you feel overwhelmed, sad, hopeless or frustrated with the demands of caregiving?

• Do you feel like you’ve lost your loved one to dementia?

• Are you experiencing conflict with your loved one or other family members?

• Have you withdrawn from normal activities because of caregiving?

• Do you feel like you are in a constant state of crisis?

• Are you or your loved one having a difficult time adjusting to a personal loss or diagnosis of dementia?

Alzheimer’s Family Center staff understands the struggles that come with caring for a loved one with dementia, especially during a pandemic. Its qualified family counselors specialize in helping caregivers manage the demands and emotional aspects of caregiving.

Alzheimer’s Family Center has received generous grant funding from Archstone Foundation to provide free counseling services for caregivers caring for an adult with a cognitive impairment.

The grant covers eight one-on-one therapy sessions, each lasting 50 minutes.

The organization follows all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements regarding medical records and confidentiality The Alzheimer’s Family Center is located at 9451 Indianapolis Ave., Huntington Beach, CA, 92646. For more information, visit www. afscenter. org.

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