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Fund Run celebrates National Beach Day

The Beach Athletic Fund invites everyone to join in the first virtual Beach Athletic Fund Run on National Beach Day, Sunday, Aug. 30.

The event’s purpose is to get people, young and old, moving during this time of quarantine and at the same time support student athletes at California State University, Long Beach, through the ongoing drive to 4,900 beach athletic fund members.

Join Long Beach student athletes, coaches and staff in any type of activity such as making a run to the refrigerator, running a full marathon, biking or taking a stroll. The distance speed and mode to the choice of the participants and they will receive a t-shirt, medal and membership to the Beach Athletic Fund with a tax-deductible gift of $49.

Be sure to share your run on Beach Athletic Fund social media accounts on Twitter and Instagram @lbsubaf.

To register, visit longbeachstate. com/bafrun or call Benny Garcia at (760) 550-0109.

For more information, call or text “run” to (562) 985-4949.

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