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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

By Jim Greer

LW contributor

The worldwide pandemic has impacted our lives, whether we have become infected by the virus or not. And, one of those spiritual impacts is the closure of LDS temples throughout the world. In many addresses, articles, and videos, church leaders reiterate that temples have been closed as a commitment by the church to be good global citizens and slow down the virus’s spread.

Elder Dale G. Renlund recalled that several years ago while serving in the Africa Southeast Area, the church’s registration with Rwanda’s government had become invalid. This change in status forced the church to close a local branch, keeping faithful Rwandan saints from partaking of the sacrament. Elder Renlund recalled, “when they finally came together after that time had passed, there was a spirit that washed over that congregation and over me.” He remembers this event as “one of the most intensely powerful experiences in a sacrament meeting in my life.”

We can look forward to the time when our chapels and temples reopen fully to enjoy one another’s testimonies once again. And in those gatherings, we will feel that same outpouring of the Spirit that our fellow Rwandan saints felt.

It is comforting to remember that our Temple covenants continue to impact our lives, whether the temples are open or closed. Our faithfulness to those sacred covenants that we took upon ourselves continues to provide access to the power of godliness – regardless of our present circumstances.

When we return to serve in the temples and perform ordinances on behalf of others, we won’t be renewing our covenants as we do when we partake of the sacrament. Instead, performing those ordinances on behalf of others will remind us of those first covenants that we made in the temple years earlier.

As we remain faithful and true to our covenants, God invokes the power of godliness in our lives. The power of godliness is the ability to know God’s nature and act on his behalf to perform and receive sacred eternal covenants. And, it is those covenants that bless and bind righteous families and individuals for eternity.

Elder Renlund continues, “As I have worked with other leaders on how and when our temples can reopen, I have felt an outpouring of the Savior’s love and influence on this situation. He is in charge. he is guiding us to know how our temples can reopen as safe places of worship.” Renlund reassures us of God’s continuing influence and support, “I continue to be in awe of all that He is guiding us to do. Until our temples fully reopen, I pray that we can keep our covenants and, by doing so, access the power of godliness in our everyday lives.”

We have so much to look forward to after this deadly pandemic has subsided. Just as Elder Renlund testifies, “when the day comes for us to attend the temple again, our hearts and our spirits will be hungry for the experiences of the temple. And it’s that desire, that hunger, that will result in a powerful temple experience.”

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