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Sunshine Club

Sunshine Club Sunshine Club

The Sunshine Club will host a presentation by Angeline Renfrow over Zoom on Aug. 14 at 10 a.m. She will be the first of three virtual presentations with speakers of various topics the club will host over next few weeks. Angeline works with Scan’s Independence at Home community education classes. Stress management will be the topic of her Zoom presentation.

Stress is a normal part of life, but how a person deals with that stress makes a big difference to their health. There are healthy ways to cope with stressful situations, even when a person feels overwhelmed. The Sunshine Club hopes that this class will help members find ways to manage their stress during the uncertain times surrounding the coronavirus. All are welcome to join the class.

It has been almost five months since the last time the Sunshine Club was able to meet face to face. The group stayed in contact through phone calls or the weekly email sent by the president of the club during the first few months of social distancing. Now, in an effort to be even more connected with its members, the club decided to conduct Zoom presentations at its normal meeting time on Fridays from 10 a.m.– noon.

During August, the club will have three Zoom presentations in addition toAngeline Renfrow on Aug. 14 and Micki Mozaki, The Director of California Senior Medical Patrol on Aug. 21, and Dr. Steven Becker, is an osteopathic specialist, on Aug. 28. The topic of each guest speaker’s presentation will be announced in LW Weekly with details and a link to join.

The link to Friday’s Zoom meeting is Anyone who has questions about the event can call Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339, between 9 a.m.–5 p.m. weekdays, or contact the presentation coordinator Grecia Nunez at

Angeline Renfrow

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