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LW Baptist

By Rolland Coburn


God’s Word promises grace for every need, “And God is able to make all grace overflow to you, so that in all things and at all times having all you need you may overflow in every kind of good work,” (2 Corinthians 9:8). Faith is the heart’s hand that receives God’s free gift: his grace (help or special provision and enablement). The Bible says God requires faith to receive his promised benefits (James 1:6-7). Jesus cites a widow’s faith outside Israel to illustrate faith’s necessity and to convict people’s lack of faith in God. Jesus said, “I assure you that there were many widows in Israel in Elijah’s time, during the three-and-a-half year famine; yet Elijah was sent to none of them, but to a widow in Zarephath in the vicinity of Sidon” (Luke 4:25-26). When Elijah got to the city gate, a widow was there gathering sticks. He called to her and said, “Bring me a little water to drink,” (1 Kings 17:8-16). As she was going, he called, “And bring me a morsel of bread.” She replied, “As the Lord your God lives, I have enough only for a little bread for me and my son to eat and then die. Elijah said to her, “Do not fear. Make and bring me a small cake first, and afterwards for yourself and your son. For thus says the Lord, your supply will not run out until the day that the Lord relieves the famine.” She did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her household ate for many days until the famine ended, as God’s word promised. Jesus’ point is that God’s provision of grace is sure, but not all have faith. We must learn to trust God for his grace.

In my mother’s hymnal, she noted as one of her favorite gospel songs by Annie Johnson Flint “He Giveth More Grace.” The song recognizes daily needs as tests of faith. It reflects on “weariness and weakness, He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater/ He sendeth more strength when the labors increase/ To added affliction He addeth His mercy/ To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.”

“When we have exhausted our store of endurance/When our strength has failed ere the day is half-done/ When we reach the end of our hoarded resources/ Our Father’s full giving is only begun.”

“His love has no limit, His grace has no measure/ His power no boundary known unto men/ For out of His infinite riches in Jesus/ He giveth and giveth and giveth again.”

Yes, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” (Isaiah 40:29) every day.

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