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Editor: I agree with ….


I agree with much of Pamela McDougal’s letter to the editor (Aug. 6) addressing a prior letter from Gloria Beech (July 30) criticizing the new employees at the security gate. Gloria’s letter was, in my opinion, ageist and bigoted. She states that the “new” staffers are incompetent due to their age. And because they do not live in Leisure World, they don’t care about their jobs and don’t do them as well as former staff. I have observed the new employees to be conscientious and responsible, and I don’t have to repeat information over and over. They get it the first time.

The Beech letter saddened me because it reeked of entitlement and served as a dog whistle to those in the community with similar beliefs. I happen to be white, and that fact influences my thinking in many ways, but I cannot ignore this kind of bigotry without responding.

And while I am at this, I hope residents will remove political signs that include profanity.

It’s disgusting and reflects on our community in a very negative way.

It’s hard to discipline grandchildren when they use profanity when there is a flag waving with the word “bull….” blowing in the wind.

Kathryn Zajic Mutual 15

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