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Cart club to host Air & Water Day


by Mike Levitt

LW contributor

Our lives may be different right now, but many of our routine, important activities remain unchanged.

This certainly includes regular maintenance of our golf carts. Fail to add water to your batteries or allow the cart tires to run low on air pressure, and you may find yourself adding a lot of extra and unplanned walking to your new daily routines.

The Rollin’ Thunder Golf Cart Club can help you with that.

The club will hold its quarterly Air & Water Day on Saturday, Sept. 12.

As with the recent June maintenance event, this will not be at the usual place. In order to maintain social distancing and follow other safety guidelines, the popular maintenance event will be held instead in the Clubhouse 4 parking lot.

The entrance to the cart line-up will be on the exit/alley roadway that connects Northwood Road and North Gate Road on the east side of Clubhouse 3. Just look for the signs and follow the traffic cones. Club volunteers and Security staff will be on hand to assist.

Cart inspections will begin at 9 a.m., and conclude at 10:30 a.m. sharp.

In June, the club serviced just under 100 carts and scooters, setting a record that the club would like to break Sept. 12.

There is never a charge for this valuable service, and all LW cart and scooter owners are urged to participate, whether they are club These vitally important safety rules must be followed: masks must be worn at all times; only one person per cart; drivers must remain in their carts until batteries are being checked, not the usual procedure, to be sure, but then these are not the usual conditions.

For further information, call club President Tom Davis at 431-6859.

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