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Beit HaLev

The coronavirus has opened up a new method of communication for those of us who are sheltering in place, so Beit HaLev is now providing services on Zoom. Anyone interested in joining the Beit HaLev Zoom community for services and Hebrew lessons should contact the rabbi at (562) 715-0888 for access and instructions on how to use Zoom.

Beit HaLev is continuing to livestream on Facebook and YouTube as well. To attend, go to Rabbi Galit Shirah’s website at galityomtov. com, or (Shabbat Shalom LIVE! channel). Evening services begin at 6 and morning services begin at 10:30. A link to the PDF version of each prayerbook is provided at each service.

The Torah reading this week is from Deuteronomy 11:26-12:28; “R’eih” (See) is Moses’ challenge to the Israelites to choose between Blessing and Curse. The people are split into two groups and instructed to ritually affirm their covenant with HaShem by shouting the blessings from Mt. Gerizim and the curses from Mt. Ebal. The blessings include all the gifts of the new land if the people follow God’s mitzvot (commandments), and the curses are all the bad things that will befall the people if they abandon God’s mitzvot.

Rabbi Galit Shirah conducts a weekday Ma’ariv service every Thursday for Sim Shalom, the online synagogue. Sim Shalom presents livestream services Monday-Thursday, with a different rabbi each day. To say Kaddish, pray for healing and hear a spiritual message, go to

Rabbi Galit Shirah also teaches online Hebrew (Prayerbook and Conversational) and Cantillation (Torah chanting) for anyone who wants to learn something new. Contact the Rabbi at (562) 715-0888 or

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