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Assembly of God

Norma Ballinger

LW contributor

The congregation at Assembly of God is being held together during this pandemic with the DVD delivered weekly by Pastor Sam Pawlak. This recording of a church service is a blessing to many, both members and friends of the church. Pastor Sam also brings a brief devotion on Facebook each Sunday at 10 a.m. Another connection is through the prayer and praise emails that are sent by Carolyn VanAalst.

When you may feel you are losing hope, read John 14:6. This is what Jesus is saying, “...I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Jesus wants us to hold his hand and walk joyously with him through the day. Together we will savor the pleasures and endure the difficulties it brings. There is no need to feel alone or without hope. Be on the lookout for everything he has prepared, the stunning scenery, cozy nooks for resting when you are weary and much more.

No one has to choose between staying close to God and staying on course. Since “he is the way,” staying close to him is staying on course. Don’t worry about what may be just around the corner, just concentrate on enjoying his presence and staying in step with him.

“If you are depressed, you’re living in the past; if you are anxious you’re living in the future; if you are at peace, you’re living in the present.” The only way to do this is to hold Jesus’ hand and walk with him through the day.

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