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Letters to the Editor


In her letter to the editor (July 30), Gloria Beech’s criticism of the Security guards seems directed to LW’s African American employees. She asks, “where are the old people in our community,” meaning “white” folks. “They” had an interest in keeping “their” community safe, racial indication of a different culture. “We have our own Security Dept. that had residents working,” she continued. But the majority of LW guards were elderly and white. “This new batch does not live here.” No, these employees live in huts in Africa, where they grow in “batches.”

“They’re just not old enough,” she continued. No, they’re not. Now I get my guests’ names on the board efficiently, without having to repeat everything.

Lastly, “they leave here after their shifts, so what do they care?” Yes, they have families to support. With this virus, jobs are hard to find; their health is also at risk.

As an African American women, I have endured more racism in Leisure World than throughout my 67 years. Here’s one instance: I invited a few African American engineers from Boeing to see the gym and pool area. We approached the pool as 20-plus white residents frolicked. They “froze.” One lady jumped out of the pool to retrieve her purse from the chair. It was so insulting we had to laugh!

If you have complaints, document it with proof of dates and incidents. Minorities face daily hurdles; it never ends. Instead of being critical, try lending constructive input to improve any situation.

Pamela McDougal Mutual 1

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