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Congregation Sholom

Rabbi Karen Isenberg will stream Friday night services at 6:30 on Aug. 7 on the Congregation Sholom of Leisure World Facebook page. To join, select the “rooms” tab, then click on “Jewish Activities” and “Join to Restart.” Rabbi Axelrad will also be on Facebook for Saturday morning services at 9:30 on Aug. 8.

On Aug. 9, Congregation Sholom will host an online game night run by Sandy Gefner at 4 p.m. To join, go to Facebook, search for Congregation Sholom, click on rooms, then click on Bingo.

The book club has chosen a new book, “The Little Bride” by Anna Solomon. It is less than $5 to purchase. A room has been added to the Congregation Sholom Facebook for the book club. The group will meet in the virtual room on Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 1:30.

Anyone who wants to participate in Congregation Sholom’s games, book club or live stream services should call Susan Michlin at (805) 501-5268 to be added to the rooms.

Congregation Sholom will take a safe, socially distanced boat ride around Seal Beach. Those who are interested should call Willard Michlin at (805) 501-5268.

Congregation Sholom will have a membership drive in August. More information will follow in the weeks to come. Anyone who wants to become a member should call Ron Yaffee at (562) 430-7040.

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