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After taking a well-deserved break ….

After taking a well-deserved break …. After taking a well-deserved break ….

After taking a well-deserved break in July, the Leisure World

Sewing Brigade is ready to start up again. Cloth masks

continue to be an important component in the fight against

COVID-19. The brigade has an ample supply of elastic and a limited amount of recently donated fabric, and needs funding to continue its effort. To date, the group has made and given away 25,401 masks. Of those, 4,000 were given to Leisure World residents and 500 to the local Meals on Wheels. The rest were given to hospitals, doctors, nurses, first responders, frontline workers and women's shelters. If you are interested in helping the effort by sewing, cutting fabric or elastic, being a runner or making a donation, call Yevette Louie at (562) 841-2166 (shown above at Brigade headquarters) or email Dean Jacobus at

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