Temporary outdoor dining program is underway

In an effort to assist local Seal Beach businesses with the challenges and concerns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the City Council has approved a temporary provision to allow for outdoor dining and other activities.
Recent mandatory closures of indoor dining and other businesses by the State of California have threatened small business and the city is seeking to mitigate the impact.
Outside business opportunities include the temporary expansion of outdoor dining at restaurants throughout the community, the use of dining parklets in association with restaurants on the Main Street business corridor, and the ability for businesses to provide merchandise displays, activities and services outdoors.
With proper precautions, outdoor locations carry less risk of transmission of the coronavirus than indoor locations, making outdoor dining a safer option for the gradual resumption of restaurant services.
Without these measures, most restaurants would see their capacity drop to a point where it would be difficult, if not impossible, to make a profit, making re-opening moot.
Moving tables and chairs to the sidewalks, parking lots or other outdoor locations could help these establishments re-open with close to as many tables as before the pandemic, so they can begin to rebuild their businesses.
“Our local restaurants and businesses need our assistance during this time and the City is doing all we can to ensure our local economy can effectively recover from the coronavirus impacts.
This temporary measure balances a variety of safety and economic interests while adding an enhanced experience for our community and visitors,” said Mayor Schelly Sustarsic.
For more information on the Temporary Outdoor Dining Program or to download a Temporary Dining Permit Application, visit the Business and Employee Resources tab on the City’s website at www.sealbeachca.gov or submit inquiries to Community Development Director Les Johnson at ljohnson@sealbeachca.gov. —Patrick Gallegos, Assistant City Manager