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Community Church

By Johan Dodge


There are a lot of things to be down about lately, the news is often of no help as it tends to focus on the negative, and since we are unable to do much while social distancing, it can become all too easy to focus on the news.

The word “Gospel” translates to “Good News” and it describes the coming of God in human form in the person of Jesus to live and die as one of us. God came to show his love for us and to fundamentally change the relationship that we have with him. That relationship continues to be a work in progress, not because of God, but rather because we are constantly getting down on ourselves or those around us; our neighbors, our family, and our friends.

If you find yourself in a funk right now, I commend to you the book of Acts in the Bible. The Book of Acts describes the early work of the followers of Jesus who were facing persecution from all sides and yet they persevered in sharing the message of God’s love for the world — continuing the work that began with Jesus.

If you don’t own a Bible, we would be happy to loan you a Bible from our pews since they’re not being used at the moment. Our church office is open for brief interactions while wearing a face mask. The prayer chapel has been temporarily closed because of COVID-19. For the time being, the meditation garden is available for prayer and meditation.

As always, if you are in need without another way to address that need, you may call the church office to leave me a message (562) 431-2503 I invite you to tune into worship Sunday morning at 9:50 on Facebook live @communitychurchleisureworld. If you want to join us for virtual fellowship you will need to call the church office or email If you don’t have a computer or Facebook, you can still call in to our phone system at (562) 431-2503 and listen to the weekly message beginning Sunday evening.

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