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WNV Activity in Orange County

West Nile Virus positive mosquitoes have been detected in the following Orange County cities, according to OC Vector Control:

• Fullerton

• Huntington Beach

• Seal Beach

• Westminster The virus has been confirmed in the following cities:

• Anaheim

• Cypress

• Garden Grove To learn more about West Nile virus, visit

Mosquito control is a shared responsibility.

Orange County residents need to do their part to control mosquito breeding around their properties and prevent bites. Eliminating mosquito breeding sources is critical to preventing the spread of West Nile virus. To prevent mosquito bites, take action and follow these tips:

• Dump and drain containers filled with water at least once a week

• Clean and scrub bird baths and pet water bowls weekly

• Dump water from potted plant saucers For more information on how you can help reduce the risk of WNV in your community, visit

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