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Letters to Editor


(On July 20) at around 11:20 a.m., I was sitting in my patio, which faces Golden Rain Road across from Clubhouse 6, when I heard and saw the crash of a small gray vehicle being pursued by the SBPD.

The gray vehicle hit a white truck. Immediately the police took the appropriate position behind their car doors with their guns out and a loud speaker giving specific instructions to the driver. Not knowing if the driver was armed, I went inside my home right then. Viewing from inside I could see the driver was cooperating.

This occurred on Golden Rain right next to Clubhouse 6 so a number of people who happened to be in that parking lot up to the short block wall at the scene.

Am I shocked? No. Disappointed? Yes. Does anyone think the police can protect lookie-loo’s and safely apprehend a suspect? What is the priority here? There were five police cars, and I believe I could hear one of the officers telling folks to get back. How about supporting the police doing their job safely and fairly by staying away and not compromising a potentially dangerous situation. They had cameras. If someone can’t observe from a safe distance, then please stay away.

Kathy Almeida Mutual 1

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