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Credits & Kudos

Susan Shaver of Mutual 11 writes: I would like to thank the GRF Recreation Department for all the wonderful food trucks they have procured for us.

They offer delicious and healthy choices at very reasonable prices. I know that any day of the week, I may chose not to cook!

I’m sure that many residents share in my appreciation, based on the lines I’ve waited in! Thank you for a job well done!

Linda Johnson of Mutual 15 writes: With all of the COVID-19 virus sheltering-at-home direction that we have been given, I would like to give a kudo to another “unsung hero.” John Hlavac, a Golden Age Foundation volunteer, is the chair of the Mobility Aids program. During this difficult time, John and his phone volunteers have tried to keep up with the needs of the community. I think that we all know just how important volunteers are to our Leisure World community. Thank you to John and his volunteers for keeping this vital program working during this period of isolation.

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