A Message from the SBPD Chief-Part 1

Editor’s Note: The following is an overview of the resources, training, services and statistics related to the Seal Beach Police Department. SBPD Chief Philip L. Gonshak submitted the comprehensive review to serve as context in the midst of nationwide calls to defund police departments. Most citizens don’t understand the broad reach that local law enforcement provides in areas of community care or the extensive and specific training that officers receive. Chief Gonshak’s overview will be printed in two installments due to its length. Part II will run next week. It covers police officer training and statistics.
Due to the current calls for police reform and/or defunding in a number of communities around the nation, as chief of the Seal Beach Police Department, I felt it critical to share the following information with City of Seal Beach community partners. The information below will give a general overview of what the SBPD has done in the past, continues to do today and plans on doing in the future. The City of Seal Beach Police Department seeks to be aligned with community needs and expectations.
The department offers many platforms and social programs to victims of crimes, the youth, the homeless population, the mentally ill, police department staff and/or any others who seek assistance from the City of Seal Beach.
We are extremely proud of the fact that our city has already taken a proactive approach, prior to recent events, and will continue to look into opportunities in which we can improve and progress.
Several of the programs below are either items already included in our budget or are offered by the county for free. We contract for these services to ensure we are providing our community with the resources necessary, regardless of whether the call is criminal in nature.
We ensure our officers receive the maximum amount of training our budget allows so they can utilize informed and well-practiced decision making under the most unusual of circumstances.
I cannot stress this enough: Your police department staff is comprised of highly compassionate and professional mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, and brothers, who are not only ready to take on this opportunity for change, but adapt to these times of increased accountability being requested of each of them. With that, I am certain we will all rise to this occasion.
—Chief Philip L. Gonshak
Chief Philip L. Gonshak