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North Gate Road and pedestrian gate closed

North Gate Road and pedestrian gate closed North Gate Road and pedestrian gate closed


North Gate Road will be closed until further notice due to sewer construction that is part of the OC 405 Partners Project.

The pedestrian gate that exits Leisure World from Northwood Road to North Gate Road will be closed as well.

An eight-foot fence will be installed just east of the Frontier building during the project to replace a sewer line on North Gate Road.

The work is related to the Orange County Transportation Authority’s 405 Freeway Improvement Project, which is also overseeingthe removal of a sound wall on North Gate Road. K-rail has been placed, but that project is on hold until further notice.

The sewer project will start Monday using standard jack and bore construction. Work will be conducted on weekdays and may be loud.

Construction crews will drill a hole underground horizontally between two points without disturbing the surface between sending and receiving pits.

The tool works like a jack hammer and uses air to pound its way through the ground.

The equipment is loud and causes vibration that people may feel if they are close enough.

The operation will be complete Sept. 1.

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