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LWers asked to be on look-out for suspicious behavior after vandalism


For the second time, one of Mutual 2’s new welcome signs has been vandalized. Over the July 4th weekend, someone defaced the sign with black spray paint. Over the Memorial Day weekend, someone threw eggs on it.

“We don’t know who did this, or why, but it is still tragic and frightening that someone in our community finds this sort of behavior satisfying,” according to a Mutual 2 director (whose name is withheld because he is running for a seat in Mutual 2 and is subject to a candidates’ blackout per GRF policy. The blackout ends after elections).

“It could be a disgruntled shareholder or maybe an immature teenager visiting ‘grandma’ over a holiday weekend. And, of course, we are concerned that this may possibly happen again. We do have options to protect our property: Security patrols, cameras, antigraffiti solutions and more. But I think our most effective defense is for all Leisure World shareholders to keep their eyes and ears open whenever possible, and to call our Security if unusual activity is seen in our mutual neighborhoods,” the director said.

Security Service Director Victor Rocha agrees: “We are very fortunate that the security issues and calls for service that do arise in the community are a modest amount of petty thefts, vandalism and noise complaints.

“We want to continue to minimize issues and concerns before they can grow into larger problems,” he said.

To that end, he encourages everyone to report suspicious activity.

“We all share a common goal of protecting our community,” Rocha said. “We are asking for everyone’s assistance to report any suspicious activity immediately to the Security Department. The extra set of ‘eyes’ you provide in the community is essential to the safety and security for all residents. If you believe a crime is occurring, do not hesitate to contact the Seal Beach Police Department immediately.

“Please remember that you can remain anonymous. No names are necessary, we just want people to report the suspicious activity.'

Security can be reached at (562) 431-6586, ext 375. The nonemergency number for the Seal Beach Police Department is (562) 799-4100; if it’s an emergency, dial 9-1-1.

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