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LW Poetry

This poetry feature showcase original poems by members of the Creative Writers Club of Leisure World and other GRF members.

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I consider those who are in harm’s way: the brave soldiers and marines the first responders—firemen, ICE and cops each one in harm’s way.

But it’s the first day of the year and I am safe.

I kiss the angel on my shoulder I pray fervently to my GOD I grasp my rabbit’s foot until my fingers bleed this clean, new day.

but maybe they gave me the wrong flu shot this year.

maybe I’m at the mercy of a drunken driver.

maybe disastrous genes from my great grandmother lurk in my body.

and I don’t notice the huge airplanes that roar over my safe home hour after hour.

and I don’t see that ice cube that melted on the kitchen floor that could force me to suddenly crash to the floor—splayed, bruised, hip shattered.

and the angel on my shoulder has fled and my GOD is tending to other things and the rabbit foot has lost all of its hair.

—Phyllis Poper

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