Hand-delivered gifts brighten the 4th for LW vets sheltering at home

The Filipino Association of Leisure World could not hold its annaul Fourth of July picnic to honor veterans this year because of the COVID-19 shut-downs.
But the group found a creative way to make vets living in Leisure World feel special with a gift of lap robes and masks imprinted with each honoree’s branch of military service.
“It was so special,” said Joan Shramek, the wife of U.S. Navy vet Frank Shramek. “FALW members made face masks, each with a military designation, on it. Frank’s was the U.S. Navy. And the lap robe came in a nice carrier.” FALW President Ren Villanueva handdelivered the gifts to the Shrameks.
He was joined by Ric Dizon in delivering the gifts to the home of every registered veteran in LW. Among those who helped with the project were FALW members Bernie and Martha Goossens, who made the face masks.
The vets expressed their thanks and loved seeing emblems of their service branch on the face masks. Two of LW’s oldest veterans, both 96 years old, are James Kasper of Mutual 15, who was a bombardiergunner in the European Theater, and Morton Goldberg of Mutual 14, who was an infantryman in the Pacific Theater and helped liberate the city of Manila.
“They are members of the greatest generation of men,” said Villanueva, who was grateful to find a way to honor LW vets this year amid the COVID-19 shut-downs. “We will always remember their sacrifices rendered to a great nation.”