LWer donates 2,000 masks to GAF

To be a part of the “Community Strong” program to help shareholders to protect others from spreading the COVID 19 virus, the Golden Age Foundation has had two mask giveaways, distributing thousands of free masks to residents.
GAF volunteers made most of the masks, and many were donated by people who wanted to help LWers stay safe amid the pandemic. One of the biggest donations came from Mutual 1 shareholder Tina Furey, who donated over 2,000 masks that were given away to all 16 mutuals.
She works with a group of volunteers from the Phat To Temple (Goota Temple) in Long Beach. These volunteers stitched thousands of masks to give away to seniors in area assisted living facilities and nursing homes.
Then Tina and her sister collected 2,000 more from them to share with Leisure World shareholders during the lockdown to protect others from the virus.
On behalf Golden Age Foundation and Diana Harrison, who co-chaired the mask-giveaways with Anna Derby, thank you to all 50 volunteer sewers, fabric cutters, elastic cutters, runners and mask baggers.
“These three months have been very strange,” said Anna Derby, “but helping support the community has given it some purpose. Without volunteers contributing their precious time, these events wouldn’t be able to happen, and that shows community can rise the occasion when necessary.”
The Golden Age Foundation is nonprofit, charitable organization dedicated to serving the special needs of Seal Beach, Leisure World shareholders. Its purpose is to make the community a better and happier place in which to live. Contributions made to the GAF qualify for exemption from income taxes in most cases.
For more information, contact Anna Derby at (562) 301-5339.
The GRF has ordered the temporary closure of the Golf Course and Veterans Plaza to all activities due to COVID-19. Contact the Recreation Department with any questions atkathyt@lwsb.com and watch for updates via LW Live! and the LW Weekly.