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Contributions are sought for a LB Pandemic Project


The Historical Society of Long Beach is seeking contributions to its Pandemic Project: Long Beach COVID-19 Stories. The society is currently collecting stories, anecdotes and personal insights from people living in and around Long Beach to create a crowd-sourced archive of local experiences under the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The survey provides individuals an opportunity to share their stories from working on the frontlines in hospitals, to dealing with the loss of a job, a change in daily routines, or even involvement in current social justice activism.

Many of you have already responded with great detail about life under the pandemic. A lot has changed since we first released the survey, from the reopening of businesses to nationwide protests. People are welcome to fill out the survey again with any new information that can provide future scholars with insightful understandings of how Long Beach tackled this historic moment in our lives.

To share your story, visit https:// www. surveymonkey. com/r/HSLB_COVID_Stories.

The Historical Society wants to hear from people throughout the area to ensure the responses represent the diversity of Long Beach including people of all ages, neighborhoods and backgrounds. All are welcome to share and encourage others to fill out the survey. In doing so, these stories will become part of a collection of local history materials preserved for future researchers, students, healthcare professionals and others as a means to understand the ways this 2020 pandemic affected life in Long Beach. The HSLB is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit located in Bixby Knolls. Since 1962, its mission has been to connect people to the past by preserving, and exhibiting the material history of Long Beach.

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