Community Church

By Johan Dodge
June ended in a gloomy drizzle and light rain and July came in with some of June’s gloom — still drizzling. Being a native of these parts, I love the rain because I know we have had many years of drought. I also know that after our long hot summers that now seem to stretch into November we almost forget how great the rain is when it finally comes.
I share all of that, even as this week is likely warmer, because I came across an article the other day that describes the exhaustion many of feel when we venture out beyond the wall to the larger Orange County community. The article is from a blog on Facebook called “The Subversive Lens” and while I don’t confess to know its origins, I found this article helpful. It says: “Aspects of our COVID exhaustion are due to the reality that many of us are carrying the weight of other’s irresponsibility. Many go about their lives, unencumbered with any feeling of social responsibility; they feel justified in their carelessness, at least partially protected by the herculean efforts of others. Not only are we carefully navigating a context foreign to us, sacrificially bearing a collective burden, we have to watch those efforts devalued by those who pretend their carelessness is justified. We’re holding a societal umbrella in a downpour; they’re laughing and pretending it’s not raining because they’re not wet yet. It’s exhausting.”
When COVID-19 first began, it was hitting folks like us here in Leisure World, but now it is our grandchildren and great grandchildren who have often chosen to pretend it’s not raining only to find themselves drowning from the deluge soon after. There has been a lot of talk of freedom lately, freedom to decide whether or not to wear a mask. The virus doesn’t care about freedom and this isn’t about freedom. This is about responsibility. We are our sister’s keeper. We are our brother’s keeper. It is easier to hold the umbrella when there are many hands to share the burden. I am writing this before July 4, which by all estimations will be the most subdued celebration in a generation. Let us use this moment as a teaching moment and a learning moment. Let us accept that again, to celebrate freedom first takes responsibility.
As always, if you are in need without another way to address that need, you may call the church office to leave me a message (562) 431-2503 I invite you to tune into worship Sunday morning at 9:50 on Facebook live. @communitychurchleisureworld. If you don’t have a computer or Facebook, you can still call in to our phone system at (562) 431-2503 and listen to the weekly message beginning Sunday evening as it takes me a minute to edit and post the audio.