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Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev is now conducting services on Zoom. The coronavirus has opened up a new method of communication for those of us who are sheltering in place. To join the Beit HaLev Zoom community for services and Hebrew lessons, contact the rabbi at (562) 715-0888 for access and instructions on how to use Zoom.

Beit HaLev is continuing to livestream on Facebook and YouTube as well. To attend, go to or (Shabbat Shalom LIVE! channel). Evening services begin at 6 and morning services begin at 10:30. A link to the PDF version of each prayerbook is provided at each service.

At the end of last week’s Torah portion, Balak sent beautiful Midianite women into the Israeli camp to seduce the Israelite men and entice them to worship their idols. The result was a divinely-sent plague.

In the midst of this, Pinchas, Aaron’s grandson, assuages the wrath of HaShem in an impassioned act of double homicide. Why? On the Tabernacle grounds, in public view, an Israeli man, Zimri, and Cozbi, a Midianite temptress (and princess) engage in an act of idolatry. Pinchas grabs a spear and drives it through both of them. God not only stops the plague, but is so pleased with the religious zeal of the Pinchas, that he and his future generations are gifted with a covenant of priesthood in perpetuity.

Rabbi Galit Shirah conducts a weekday Ma’ariv service every Thursday for Sim Shalom, the online synagogue. Sim Shalom presents livestream services Monday-Thursday, with a different rabbi each day. To count the Omer, say Kaddish, pray for healing or to hear a spiritual message, go to

Rabbi Galit Shirah also teaches (currently) online Hebrew (Prayerbook and Conversational) and Cantillation (Torah chanting) for anyone who wants to learn something new. Contact the Rabbi at (562) 715-0888 or

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