People can stroll the pier this holiday but fireworks are illegal in the city

The City of Seal Beach would like to remind the community that it is illegal to sell, possess or discharge fireworks anywhere within Seal Beach.
Seal Beach Municipal Code §7.20.065 prohibits fireworks in Seal Beach. This includes fireworks sold as “safe and sane” in neighboring cities. Those who violate this section may be issued a misdemeanor citation and/or administrative fine. Additionally, any person who violates this section shall be liable to the City for the actual costs of seizure, impoundment, and disposal of such fireworks, in addition to any and all other penalties available under the municipal code.
The Seal Beach Police Department has received several complaints of fireworks being lit in multiple areas throughout the city and has increased patrols to address these issues.
On the Fourth of July, the Seal Beach Police Department will deploy additional officers to patrol and enforce fireworks violations.
According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, about 180 people go to the emergency room every day with fireworksrelated injuries in the month around the July 4 holiday. Even sparklers caused an estimated 500 emergency room visits in 2018 with the majority of injuries occurring on the hands, fingers and legs.
If you see or hear fireworks being used in Seal Beach, call the Seal Beach Police Department’s non-emergency line at (562) 594-7232. Officers will be dispatched to check the area in search of those responsible. The officers will make every effort to respond to reports of illegal fireworks; however, in order to make an arrest, officers must witness the illegal activity. Community members who witness illegal fireworks activity may sign a private person’s arrest form that will allow officers to take action, if appropriate, after investigating an incident.
For additional information, follow the Seal Beach Police Department on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Sign up for Nixle alerts by texting your zip code to 888777.