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Golf Course, Vets Plaza are closed

Golf Course, Vets Plaza are closed Golf Course, Vets Plaza are closed


Message to the Community: Amenities shut down after news of a COVID-19 death in Leisure World

by Linda Stone

GRF President

Residents often tell me how much they value the peace of Leisure World. The lawns and landscaping, and the protection and affection of neighbors, often make us forget we live in one of the nation’s busiest, most densely populated spots.

We’ve now lost a bit of that sense of isolation from the world around us. In the last month we learned from an unauthorized source of positive cases of COVID-19 among our neighbors.

Then, last Wednesday, the GRF received word from a family member of a community resident that Leisure World Seal Beach had suffered its first known death from COVID-19.

Your collective strength in adhering to safety rules helped keep this scourge at bay.

However, after four months of the virus battering against our walls, it was unlikely we could have completely avoided any such tragedy.

Through the media, we know about the significant outbreak in the assisted living facility just outside our gates.

In comparison with Los Angeles County, our county has fared relatively well. Still, Orange County deaths from COVID-19 have risen each week for the last five weeks.

Whether we want to be isolated from the world or not, we find ourselves on the front lines in helping ourselves, our neighbors and our beleaguered health system battle this disease.

Now we must urge you to redouble these efforts to further minimize the disease’s spread.

After consulting with governmental and public health authorities concerning how to maximize the community’s health and welfare, we have determined to again close our golf course, as well as Veterans Plaza’s outdoor activities.

Our sole goal in these actions is to limit contact and to support necessary physical distancing.

We are ever mindful that our residents are in the greatest peril from COVID-19 as we make this decision.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 80 percent of all Americans who have died from COVID have been over 65 years of age. So, what you may perceive as GRF’s over-caution, looks like realism as the board and staff assess our response.

Members and residents must continue to adhere to the precautions that have been effective in limiting COVID’s effects on our community. The GRF Board and staff, and each of the Mutuals have made the same commitment. We have implemented protocols to ensure near constant disinfecting of facilities and require staff members to employ masks and physical distancing to promote safety.

If a staff member suspects he or she may have encountered a person with a communicable disease, that employee must stay home for at least 14 days.

In addition to your continued adherence to the standards that public health authorities and the GRF have established for the community’s safety, we ask for one additional measure of your commitment to your neighbors’ security. All members and residents are encouraged to call or email GRF at if you have, or suspect you have, been infected by the COVID-19 virus. Within the extent possible, GRF will respect your privacy and identity, and will take steps to assist you and translate your experience into precautionary measures for the community as a whole.

We understand this is a rapidly changing environment of heightened anxiety and concern. We will keep you updated as new information arises and if protocols must be augmented or can be relaxed. At this point, when we are more exposed to the perils of the world than what we might prefer, let us find strength and safety in the collective efforts of our friends and neighbors who make up our precious community.

Remember the guidelines:

• Distance yourself at least six feet from individuals who are not members of your household.

• Wash hands with soap and water frequently for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol.

• Wear a cloth face covering, both indoors and outdoors, when you may possibly encounter others who do not live in your household, per the State’s June 18 mandate.

• Avoid all physical interaction with people outside your household if you get sick with a fever or cough, except to seek medical care.

To learn more about the coronavirus, including ongoing updates, prevention tips and frequently asked questions:

• Center for Disease Control:

• World Health Organization: diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019

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