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Democratic Club

By Mary Larson

LW contributor

The Democratic Club joins other residents in expressing appreciation to GRF for its ongoing efforts to ensure that our Leisure World community is as safe as possible from the spread of the COVID-19 virus. It would also like to thank Gov. Newsom for his new order mandating the use of masks throughout the state, with few exceptions.

Unfortunately, the Orange County Sheriff, Republican Don Barnes has issued a statement saying ,he will not enforce the Governor’s order. County Board of Supervisor Michelle Steel, who has questioned the effectiveness of wearing masks in the past.

Congressman Rouda, , has issued a statement saying that “masks are a proven way to drastically reduce the chances of spreading coronavirus, allowing people to stay safe and our economy to reopen sustainably.”

Rouda has also been working to assist local health care workers to get the protective equipment they need. He urged his supporters to donate money to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund as one small step in addressing deeply embedded and challenging societal issues like systemic racism and police brutality that still exist in society. He also hosted a blood drive in Costa Mesa to help ensure that the American Red Cross had enough blood to support patients across the country.

Congressman Rouda has also been reaching “across the aisle” to lead on commonsense, business-friendly policies. As a result, the US Chamber of Commerce is awarding him the Abraham Lincoln Leaders for America Award. At the federal level, the Congressman has called on the Senate to pass the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act of 2020 in order to make sure all Americans can vote safely.

Leisure World residents can be thankful that, due to the forward thinking on the part of the State’s political leadership, none of us will need to expose ourselves to the virus by having to stand in long lines and enduring extended delays in order to vote in November.

The Democratic Club stands ready to assist anyone who needs help in this process of casting their mail-in ballot. As soon as it is safe to do so, Club members will also be available at Clubhouse 6 to assist would be voters to register or reregister to a different party. In the meantime, you can email or call Vice President Kathy Moran at 5(62) 596-0450 for assistance.

••• If you want to stay informed and are interested in receiving the Democratic Club’s electronic newsletter on a regular basis, email the editor, Mary Larson, at or call (562) 296-8521 with your contact information.

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