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Letters to the Editor


On a hot June 10 at 5 p.m., a small group of us gathered at the Leisure World Globe for a hastily organized demonstration to support the causes of Black Lives Matter and the actions for reform of police practices.

We were met with enthusiastic support from many of the commuters on Seal Beach Boulevard with lots of waves, thumbs up, big smiles from some not wearing masks in their cars.

Enthusiasm came from unexpected quarters: a young man and woman on a motorcycle waved support, a bus driver opened his window to wave, men in trucks honked, whole families in cars honked and waved. It was also gratifying to see the same indicators of support from many of our own residents coming in and out of LW. And, out of the blue, four young ladies appeared with bottles of cold water and snacks that they generously shared with us after driving by and seeing us on the sidewalk.

We were humbled and touched on this day and thank all of you who noted our presence and honked and waved for our shared cause.

Jacquie Clarke and Pat Kruger LW Senior Patriots for Peace Editor:

The State of California and County of Orange no longer require the wearing of face masks in public. Only the workers at grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants and some retail stores are required to wear face masks, but not their customers.

This is very good news for all those who find face masks a nuisance and those with COPD, emphysema, bronchitis and/ or allergies who feel that masks restrict their air intake. This order however does not stop an establishment from requesting that customers wear masks when entering the business if it so desires.

This reversal comes from the fact that health experts have not been able to prove that face masks protect from virus carriers. All the previous orders to wear masks were based on conjecture or a hunch, which is not scientific. Bruce Smith Mutual 7 Editor’s note: LW residents are strongly encouraged to wear masks when social distancing is not possible in the community. Many health officials say that face coverings are an integral tool in the fight against COVID-19 — as they can block transmission of the respiratory droplets released by asymptomatic people when breathing or talking.


I am abiding by the safer-athome orders, observing distancing measures and wearing masks to help prevent of COVID-19. I am amazed at the kindness of enthusiastic shareholders who volunteer to make masks to distribute to the community. My good neighbors and friends religiously observe distancing measures even while socializing and celebrating happy birthdays.

We are all in this together. Our strong determination and courage will guide us until this pandemic crisis is contained.

Lisa A. Dickson Mutual 1 Editor:

I am disturbed that the front page (or any page, I looked) of the June 11 LW Weekly did not make mention of the Black Lives Matter movement. Given all the civil unrest, protests, the state of the nation and precious lives being lost, how can this not receive even one sentence?

I am grateful for all who are trying to make positive changes happen. I’m not trying to force anything on anyone but to ignore what’s happening to all of us daily, saddens me.

Robin Sinni Mutual 3

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